
19 resultaten voor keyword:Wet Educatie en Beroepsonderwijs
19 resultaten voor keyword:Wet Educatie en Beroepsonderwijs

Evaluating bias of sequential mixed-mode designs against benchmark surveys

This study evaluated three types of bias – total, measurement, and selection bias – in three sequential mixed-mode designs of the Dutch Crime Victimization Survey: telephone, mail, and web, where...


The impact of survey item characteristics on mode-specific measurement bias in the crime victimisation

In this discussion paper, the interaction between survey item characteristics and survey mode is investigated in terms of measurement bias. For this purpose a typology of survey items was constructed...


Solving the nonresponse problem with sample matching?

This paper explores the use of matched samples as an alternative for estimators based on surveys suffering from a substantial amount of nonresponse.


The impact of contact effort and interviewer performance on mode-specific measurement

In 2011, a large-scale mixed-mode experiment was linked to the Crime Victimisation Survey (CVS). This experiment consisted of a randomized allocation of sample persons to the four survey modes Web,...


Web panels for official statistics

New developments in computer technology, but also new challenges in society like increasing nonresponse rates, decreasing budgets, or demands for reducing the response burden, may lead to changes in...


Assessing the mode dependency of sample selectivity across the survey response process

Survey researchers currently act on three beliefs when combining survey modes in mixed-mode designs. First, modes elicit distinct patterns of survey response behaviour and nonresponse bias. Second,...


Nederland Europees kampioen internettoegang

In 2011 had 94 procent van de Nederlandse huishoudens een internetaansluiting. In 2005 was dit nog 78 procent. Nederland staat al jarenlang op de eerste plaats van de Europese ranglijst met het...


Optimizing quality of response through adaptive survey designs

In most surveys all sample units receive the same treatment and the same design features apply to all selected people and households. In this paper, it is explained how survey designs may be tailored...


New data sources for statistics: experiences at Statistics Netherlands

Apart from the traditional sources used by National Statistical Institutes, like sample surveys and administrative sources, nowadays more and more electronic sources of information are available that...


New developments in survey data collection methodology for official statistics

This paper describes some new developments in survey methodology that may help to solve problems of survey taking in official statistics. The R-indicator is described as an additional indicator for...


Social desirability bias, response order effect and selection effects in the new Dutch Safety Monitor

In 2008, there was a transition in the survey that measures perceived and actual safety in the Netherlands. In this paper by Kraan, Van den Brakel, Buelens, and Huys, it is attempted to explain some...


How accurate are self-selection web surveys?

Due to methodological problems, the quality of the outcomes of web surveys may be seriously affected. This paper addresses one of these problems: self-selection of respondents. Self-selection leads...


A follow-up with basic questions of nonrespondents to the Dutch Labour Force Survey

From July to December 2005 a large scale follow up of nonrespondents in the Dutch Labour Force Survey (LFS) was conducted at Statistics Netherlands. In the study a sample of nonrespondents in the LFS...


Representativiteit van websurveys - Een illusie?

Het uitvoeren van een goed survey-onderzoek is ingewikkeld, kostbaar en tijdrovend. De ontwikkelingen in de informatietechnologie in de jaren tachtig van de vorige eeuw maakten het mogelijk om de...


Reducing the bias of websurvey based estimates

At first sight, web surveys seem to be an interesting and attractive means of data collection. However, there is another side to this coin. Due to methodological problems, outcomes of web surveys may...


Vernieuwende economie - Nieuwe statistiek?

Eind 2000 organiseerde het CBS de conferentie ‘Vernieuwende economie ? Nieuwe Statistiek’. Zo’n honderd betrokkenen van binnen en buiten het CBS bogen zich over de vraag of de gangbare economische...


ConjunctuurBekerStrijd nieuwsbrief 2021-2022

De ConjunctuurBekerStrijd 2021-2022 nieuwsbrief van het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek met daarin handige feitjes, links en artikelen voor in de les.


Nieuwsbrief ConjunctuurBekerStrijd, december 2022

De ConjunctuurBekerStrijd 2021-2022 nieuwsbrief van het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek met daarin handige feitjes, links en artikelen voor in de les
